flynas Launches the "Future Engineers Program" for Aircraft Engineering and Maintenance with 300 Saudi Engineers in Its First Batch
Riyadh, October 02, 2022, SPA -- flynas, the Saudi air carrier and the leading low-cost airline in the Middle East, announced the launch of the "Future Engineers Program" aiming to enhance the Saudization of the "aircraft maintenance and engineering" within the company's programs to promote and localize jobs in the aviation sector. The program comes as a strategic step that confirms the Saudi carrier's dependence on Saudi youth in line with the approval of the board of directors of flynas to increase the number of its purchase orders of new aircraft to 250 aircraft as part of its growth and expansion plans over the next few years.Starting on October 1, 2022, the new program provides extensive on-the-job training opportunities for Saudis holding diplomas, bachelor's, or master's degrees in aeronautical sciences and engineering.
The first batch includes 30 trainees selected from colleges and academies students.The first batch of the Program included 30 Saudis who will begin qualifying and training this October to graduate as maintenance and aircraft engineers and join the crew of engineers at flynas. The training will be in Riyadh, and its duration will be six months for Saudis holding master's degrees, 12 months for those holding bachelor's degrees, and 4 years for those with a diploma.The government-supported program aims to graduate highly qualified Saudi engineers in flynas in the coming years.
To join the program, the applicant must be Saudi with a diploma, bachelor's, or master's degree in aerospace science, engineering, and aviation technology. The priority is given to holders of the General Authority of Civil Aviation license in the specialization. flynas has successfully launched several programs to localize jobs in the aviation sector in the Kingdom, the most prominent of which was the "Future Pilots" program, which succeeded in achieving a 100% Saudization for the position of co-pilot in addition to the cabin crew program for Saudi male and female flight attendants. flynas was the first Saudi carrier to open the cabin crew field to Saudi women, contributing to empowering women in that field in the Kingdom. The number of male and female graduates in the the cabin crew program reached more than 600 young men and women.
-- SPA
21:38 LOCAL TIME 18:38 GMT